
Always a global leader in the evolution of cinema theaters, Cinemeccanica stands out for its ability to innovate and serve the industry. Our passion for Cinema drives us to provide cutting-edge technologies and customized solutions, ensuring that every screening is always of the highest quality.

Cinema Projectors

Cinemeccanica is one of the most important and qualified global retailers of cinema projectors from the Barco and Christie brands. We offer a complete range of projectors for every type of hall and find the right model to meet the needs of every cinema operator.

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Laser kits for cinema projectors

Cinemeccanica is able to offer RGB or phosphor laser kits to convert cinema projectors equipped with xenon lamps into laser technology. The converted projectors will be CE certified.

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35/70mm Projectors

Cinemeccanica is the only company in the world still able to offer 35mm and 70mm projectors for every type of cinema screen. Over 100 years of experience allow us to provide consultancy, assistance and spare parts on film cinema projectors and to propose 35mm or 70mm solutions.

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Xenon lamps

Cinemeccanica resells projector lamps for cinema from the leading brands in the industry.

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Cinemeccanica is a company specialized in sound solutions for cinemas and events: audio processors, analogue and digital amplifiers, loudspeakers, Dolby Atmos immersive sound, mixers, microphones… Every customer need finds in Cinemeccanica the partner capable of following every sound project from the study and design phase to installation and field testing, including the certification of Dolby Atmos theatres.

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3D Systems

Cinemeccanica is able to recommend the best 3D solution for every type of cinema: active or passive systems depending on the cinema, screens, and organization.

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Screens and frames

With the new laser projection technologies, screens also become important to achieve impeccable image quality. Cinemeccanica, with its long experience in laser projection, recommends the brands and models of screens that best match the projection. We can also supply 2 or 3 tube frames with the installation to respond perfectly to any type of cinema room.

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Display / Ledwall

We provide Displays, Videowalls and Ledwalls to communicate in an engaging and dynamic way with every type of user and for every place, from the cinema to the shopping centre, for indoor or outdoor use: real-time information, static and dynamic advertising, visualization of interactive content and integration with existing systems or TMS management or ticketing in cinemas. Cinemeccanica offers the most prestigious brands and the best “business” level products.

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Projection Quality Control Software

IMAGO is a service consisting of a hardware and software platform: a room sensor detects in real time the parameters of the projector’s light source (laser or xenon), while a microphone detects the sound pressure level for each channel of the 5.1 or 7.1 sound format.

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TMS Scheduling Control Software

We provide software for the control and scheduling of shows in cinemas (TMS – Theatre Management System) and Cinema Servers (DCI certified) to deliver reliable and high-performance results for every projection.

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Cinemeccanica has also developed STREAMER, a TMS designed to expand the services offered by cinemas: a single central server with the capability of real-time projection in multiple theaters without the need to copy films into projectors, projection of private and non-DCI films on cinema projectors using a simple interface without the need for a specialized operator, integration with gaming consoles to rent the theater for video game sessions, and much more.

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Lights and Stages

Cinemeccanica is your partner for enhancing your theater, cinema-theater, or event with a wide range of stage and lighting products.

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Without quality seats, a cinema cannot attract new viewers, and Cinemeccanica can now offer the right solution for every need: for theater or cinema, fixed or reclining, with mechanical movement or with 1, 2, or 3 motors to make every projection a “comfortable” and special event.

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Richiesta informazioni

Vi invitiamo a segnalarci, senza alcun impegno da parte vostra, i prodotti o i servizi ai quali siete interessati. Sarà un piacere mettere a disposizione la nostra esperienza per aiutarvi in qualsiasi vostro progetto.

Information request

We invite you to inform us, without any obligation on your part, about the products or services you are interested in. It will be a pleasure to offer our expertise to assist you with any of your projects.